How it works: SPACCERs® (marked red) will simply be placed on top (or under) of the spring - done. SPACCERs can be installed on the front axle, rear axle, or on both - even if the vehicle has previously been lowered. Since SPACCERs® are made from high-grade special aluminum and are subjected to compression forces only they are practically non-wearing. No vehicle parts will be removed or modified. This is why the vehicle can be easily reconverted in its original state, e.g. when being resold.

Made from high-strength special aluminum.
A SPACCER® is a high-strength special aluminum coil ring. Based on the chassis number this ring is custom-made for the individual coil spring of your vehicle. This ensures a 100 % fit. Using a SPACCER® you can lift all vehicle brands and models by up to 48 mm (1.89 in).