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Auto Union

Auto Union

We offer lift kits for all models from Auto Union:

AU 1000AU 1000 CoupeDKW F10DKW F102DKW F11DKW F12DKW F12 CabrioletDKW Meisterklasse FDKW Meisterklasse UniversalDKW SonderklasseDKW Sonderklasse FDKW Sonderklasse F UniversalDKW Sonderklasse UniversalMungaOther / New model

Auto Union

The Auto Union AG was established in 1932 in Chemnitz through the merger of four automobile manufacturers Audi, Horch, DKW and Wanderer. Before the Second World War, Auto Union was the second-largest producer of automobiles after the Adam Opel AG. After the war some parts of the company in Central Germany were remained, where mainly two-stroke vehicles were produced. Because the name Auto Union was not allowed to use in West Germany, Audi AG, which was first bought by Mercedes Benz and later by Volkswagen, was created in Ingolstadt. SPACCER improves the ease of entry and can be used in all vehicles of Auto Union.

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